Dr. Susan Mary Lawlor is a Mental Health Consultant, Psychotherapist, Sociologist, Local, National and Global Community Champion Award Winner in mental health, National, International and Global presenter, Co-founder of State of Mind Ireland and Founder of Áit Dhócais with over twelve years of experience delivering interactive workshops and presentations on mental fitness, as well as, anticipating client needs both on-line and in-person on a one-to-one basis in varying business, educational and healthcare sectors.
Susan’s career path began over 20 years ago while studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree, when she was particularly drawn to the sociology aspect of her course. It was, she says, her first real introduction to how people interact based on different environments within which they exist.
She developed a special interest in the impact of extreme ostracization and bullying that young people endured because they did not ‘fit in’ to cultural ideals of ‘normality’ and beauty following her doctorate research in the area of young people living with facial ‘differences’ such that, a cleft lip and/or palate who were undergoing plastic and reconstructive surgery. She was a recipient of the prestigious IRCHSS Scholarship and carried out research under the guidance of Mr. David Orr, MD MSc FRCSI (Plast.), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital and St. James’s Hospital Dublin and Mr. Michael Earley, FRCS (Plast) FRCSI Assoc. MCh. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Temple Street Hospital, Dublin. She has continued to provide a ‘voice’ to young people and adults alike who are not accepted within Irish society because of ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ mental health difficulties since.
At the time, her late brother Dr. Martin Lawlor was working as a Psychiatric Consultant working in the area of mental health and had started the charity CRSI – the Centre Recovery and Social Inclusion –and invited Susan to become involved. She duly jumped at the opportunity, revelling in the chance to work on a project where professionals and service users came together in the field of mental health.
Through CRSI, Susan became more involved in researching not only people living with mental health conditions, but mental health experts. She was fascinated by their point of view of how best to approach the area with the idea of ensuring the person who’s living with the condition is treated with dignity and respect.
In 2013, Susan co-founded State of Mind Ireland with her late brother Dr. Martin Lawlor. They along with the SOMI Team began to improve the mental health, wellbeing and working life of sports players and sporting communities throughout Ireland. Through a joint initiative between University College of Cork (UCC), the Health Service Executive (HSE), Reach Out, All Island All Active (AIAA), Shine and The Centre for Recovery and Social Inclusion (CRSI) they began their journey. In 2018, she along with the State of Mind Sport UK Team, achieved the accolade of the Guinness World Record Holders for the World’s Largest Mental Health Awareness Lesson.
Following the untimely passing of Dr. Martin Lawlor in December 2018, the Programme Lead & Medical Director (HSE/CRSI/SOMI), State of Mind Ireland became dedicated to continuing on his vision in stopping the stigma surrounding mental health through bringing dignity, respect and hope to those that we deem most vulnerable in our communities (sporting and non-sporting communities) and in December 2020 opened the State of Mind Adult and Child Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychological and Psychiatric Services.
Tell us a bit more about the STATE OF MIND Adult and Child Counselling, Psychotherapy, Psychological and Psychiatric Services
The State of Mind Ireland Mental Health Clinic is one of the first of its kind in the field of private care for mental health. Its exceptionally qualified team has decades of experience in a wide range of services which sets us apart from any other services providers in this field.
It is comprised of a team of mental health experts, service users, players, coaches, and health, educational and sports professionals whose principle aim is to improve the mental health, wellbeing and working life of young people, adults, couples, and families throughout communities in Ireland.
The State of Mind Ireland Mental Health Clinic offers a comprehensive list of safe, non-judgemental, and state of the art services for people of all ages who are seeking help to overcome life’s difficulties. This involves counselling/psychotherapy to adults and children on an individual basis, couples counselling, and family therapy.
They also offer Bespoke Seminars and Interactive Workshops in a comprehensive array of mental health topics that suit your needs on a face-to-face capacity or on-line. Interactive workshops are delivered to business, educational and healthcare settings and to all sporting and non-sporting communities. Please contact Dr. Susan Lawlor to discuss these in greater detail on (085) 7360994 OR alternatively at stateofmindireland@yahoo.ie
They offer Psychological Services including assessments (Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism, Bi-Polar, Personality Disorders, General Mental Health),Educational Reports, Diagnosis, and Treatments, Medio-Legal Reports, Initial Assessments to support victims of torture and violence from various countries to rebuild their life in Ireland and Other Psychological Testing Services.
They also offer Psychiatric Services including Psychiatric Assessment, Monitoring of Psychiatric Health, Prescriptions & Treatment, Psychiatric Reports and Court Appearances