I know the last thing final year students are probably thinking of at the moment is what they will do when their college programme is complete! In the midst of current and upcoming assignments, projects and exams - students have enough on their plates! In a lot of cases; students only consider what to do next when they actually finish their final exams. However, it is important to consider Graduate Programmes as an option when final year is complete. If you wish to apply for a place on one of these programmes; ensure you don't miss out on the application deadlines....please check that some of the closing dates for applying are this week in January 2021!
Below is a link to the Grad Ireland website and page that major graduate programmes on offer. Best of luck with all the applications; if you need advice and support with anything element of the application/recruitment process; contact marylucey@careerahead.ie www.careerahead.ie
Ref: GradIreland.com